couple playing recorder in the snow

Courtly Music Unlimited

Everything for the recorder enthusiast, or those who would like to be!

Richie & Elaine Henzler, Proprietors
800-2-Richie (800-274-2443)

89 River Street, 3rd Floor Unit 3 (River Street Plaza),
Warrensburg, NY 12885-1665



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Part Number and Description Price
1.2545 (Goldstein, David)
CHANUKAH SUITE - A piece in 3 movements - 1. Attack and Mourning in the Temple 2. Prayer #.Dance of Triumph composed in 1974 for trio SAT, Upper Intermediate, two playing scores
ASL26 (Chopyak, J.)
MALAYSIAN SONGS and DANCES arranged by Jim Chopyak during his years as a Peace Corps Volunteer. A land of diversity, many cultures (Indian, Arab, Chinese and Portuguese) influenced its music. 12 enchanting pieces for SAT , Intermediate, score
CHR0011 (Greene)
Voluntary in C Major (18th Century) / ScP - SAT
CM01005 (Martini)
Four Chansons (Renaissance Florentine MSS.) / score - SAT Advanced
CM01020 (Evans - Wollitz)
Three Early Renaissance Pieces / score - SAT Medium
CM01028 (Burakoff - Strickland)
The Trio Recorder, Book 1 / score - SAT Medium
CM01042 (Burakoff - Strickland)
The Trio Recorder, Book 2 / score - SAT Medium
DER1019 (Duschenes)
19 Easy Pieces from Notebook for Wolfgang / score - SAT Easy
DER1042 (Milgrom)
Easy Folk Songs (13 tunes) / score - SAT - SST Easy
DER1045 (Vanier)
Fantasia / score - SAT Medium
DER1046 (Westman)
Short Trips / ScP - SAT Easy-Medium
DER1765 (Coles)
Medieval Trios / score - SAT - SAA Easy-Medium
DOL0116 (Bernstein)
THE MEDIEVAL COLLECTION arranged by Larry Bernstein 24 pieces from the 13th -15th centuries for 2 and 3 recorders. This anthology is intended to provide and easy introduction to the some-times inscrutable world of medieval music. There are pieces in many forms, both sacred and secular from across Europe. 8 duets, 15 trios, 1 AATT quartet Various combinations of soprano, alto & tenor, Intermediate and Up. score
DOL0321 (Hook)
Trio, Op. 133, No. 2 / ScP - SAT
DOL0407 (Robinson (ed))
Irish Traditional Music (jigs, reels, polkas & more) / S, A, T
ECS2009 (various)
ELIZABETHAN & SHAKESPEAREAN MUSICKE FOR THE RECORDER Carefully selected and arranged for Ensembles of two, three & four players by Claude Simpson. This 'classic' recorder book was first publised in 1941 and it is still and excellent introduction to ensemble playing. It is divided into 3 parts I. Pre-Elizabethan music - Sumer is icumen in' Henry VIII's 'Pastime with Good Company, Sellinger's Round & more II. Elizabethan music - 12 selections from 'The Dancing Master (1650), William Byrd, Shakespeare, & other manuscripts III. Shakespearean music - Thomas Morley, theatre music and other mauscripts The music book is a playing score of 39 pages with excellent historical notes with lyrics to many of the tunes, it is for mixed groups SA / ST/ AT Duets, SAT / SAB Trios, SATB Quartets. The playing level is Easy to Intermediate. Photo
ED10111 (Handel)
A FIRST HANDEL ALBUM arranged by Walter Bergman A nice collection containing 11 se-lections from the Watermusic, Firework music, the Messiah & more. For trio SAT with piano, piano score and trio part, Intermediate
TRIOS FOR ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS TIME A beautiful collection of 25 works from the 1600's by composers such as Cabezon, Pachelbel, Praetorius, Scheidt, Walther and others. Various versions of Ave maria stella, A solus ortus cardine, Magnificat, Puer natus in Bethelehem, In dulci jubilo, Nun komm der heiden Heiland and more. For Soprano, Alto (up 8va), Tenor, Intermediate, score
EML0114 (Thomas (ed))
6 Villancicos / set of scores - SAT - ATB
EML0119 (Halle, de la)
4 Rondeaux / set of scores - ATT - SAT
EML0125 (Thomas (ed))
3 Motets from the Bamberg Codex / set of scores - ATT - SAT
EML0126 (Thomas (ed))
3 Instrumental Pieces from Henry VIII MS / set of scores - SAT
EML0137 (Anonymous)
4 Early Chansons Rustiques / set of scores - SAT - ATB
EML0143 (Agricola)
De Tous Biens Playne (2 settings) / set of scores - SAT
EML0150 (Thomas (ed))
La Tricotee (2 settings) / set of scores - SAT - ATB
EML0168 (Caurroy, du)
3 Fantasies / set of scores - SAT
EML0173 (Thomas (ed))
6 Instrumental Motets from the Bamberg Codex / ATT - SAT
EML0186 (Thomas (ed))
12 Villotte c. 1500 / set of scores - SAT - ATB
EML0204 (Agricola)
5 Instrumental Pieces / set of scores - ATB - SAT
EML0210 (Ghiselin)
5 Instrumental Pieces / set of scores - SAT - ATT
EML0258 (Cavazzoni - Anon.)
2 Ricercari (1551) / set of scores - SAT
EML0299 (Caron)
5 Rondeaux / set of scores - Var.:SAT
EML0306 (Morley)
5 Canzonets a 3 (1593) / set of scores - SAT
EML0323 (Thomas (ed))
Ave maris Stella (5 settings from Trent Codices 15th C.) / rrr
FIVE ENGLISH MEDIEVAL CAROLS - Hail, Mary, full of Grace, Deo gracias,anglia, Marvel Not, Joseph, Ave Rex Angelorum, There is no rose of such virtue. For voices or various recorders: some are SAT, some are ATT
EML300 (Praetorius)
FIVE CHRISTMAS SETTINGS by Michael Praetorius sophisticated and varied settings. Two settings of Von Himmel hoch - one is STT the other is SSB Recorders, two setting of Puer natus in Bethlehem-one for SSB Recorders and one for SST Recorders, one setting of In dulci jubilo is for SST Recorders.Includes German lyrics for voices. Three playing scores. Photo
GH07812 (Ermatinger - Bentz)
Sing & Spielmusik, Book # 6 - mini score /- SAT T, Pf
HACO010 (Meech)
A Scrapbook of Party Pieces / ScP - SAT
HARA014 (Senfl)
Carmen in la (1538) / ScP - SAT - ATB
HARA020 (Senfl)
Carmen Das Lang (1538) / ScP - ATB - SAT
HARA028 (Handel)
Four Minuets / ScP - SAT
HARA101 (Meech)
A Second Scrapbook of Party Pieces / ScP - SAT
HARA105 (Ghibel)
Four Italian Madrigals / ScP - SAT
HARA111 (Anonymous)
Villancicos a 3 / ScP - SAT
HARA123 (Meech)
A Third Scrapbook of Party Pieces / ScP - SAT
HARA136 (Mozart, WA)
Trios (a selection of appealing short pieces) / ScP - SAT
HARA140 (Hall)
FIVE CATALAN CAROLS/ arr. Marg Hall El Noi de la Mare(The son of the Virgin) A shepherd's song-What shall we give to the son of the Virgin?, El cant des ocellis (The song of the birds), El Desembre congelat (Cold December's winds were stilled in the month of snowing.), Saint Josep I la mare de Deu (Saint Joseph and the mother of God). Fum,Fum, Fum SAT
HARA142 ((various))
Classical Trios / ScP - SAT
HARB009 (Bosch, von)
France Vacances / ScP - SAT
Geisler JE04 (Williams, Ralph Vaughn)
COME, MY WAY, MY TRUTH MY LIFE tune by Ralph Vaughn Williams, poem by George Herbert. Composed in 1911 as a setting for a mystical poet's poem inspired by John 14:6. The beauty is transcendent. The tune repeated, becomes a meditation. Arranged by R. Geisler for quartet SATB but may be played SAT
Geisler JE05 - Come Ye Sons of Art (Purcell, Henry)
COME YE SONS OF ART by Henry Purcell (1659-1695) one of the greatest of English composers. The nature of this tune is ceremonial, processional brimming with pomp and circumstance. Arranged in a Baroque style with optional trills. Arranged by R. Geisler for recorder quartet SATB but SA or SAT OK
Geisler JE07 - Gloucestershire Wassail (traditional English Yuletide drinking song)
GLOUCESTER WASSAIL (Christmas)- Wassail, Wassail this is robust and contagious. This arrangements has all parts quaffing heady Yuletide rhythms and spirits. For SATB but may be played SA or SAT. Includes lyrics and four playing scores. Arranged for recorders by Richard Geisler.
Geisler JE08 - God's Blessed Son today Is Born (Michael Praetorius)
GOD'S BLESSED SON TODAY IS BORN - Michael Praetorius (1571-1621) This is a Christmans lullaby rich in harmony. It begins as a SA duet, proceeds to a SAT trio, then fully blossoms by adding the bass. Arranged for recorder by Richard Geisler. Includes lyrics and four playing scores
Geisler JE17 - Hail Him Triumphant! (Merritt, Thomas)
HAIL HIM TRIUMPHANT by Thomas Merritt (1862-1908) - a Christmas carol from Cornwall, England. Cornish carols are lustily sung and played -'Come let us all with one accord'. Arranged by Richard Geisler for recorder quartet SATB (but may be played SAT). Four playing scores with lyrics.
Geisler JE24 - While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (Handel, George F.)
WHILE SHEPHERDS WATCHED THEIR FLOCKS (Christmas)- You can't help but admire Handel's artful integration of stately form and joyful content. Includes four playing scores and lyrics.R. Geisler arranged it for recorder quartet SATB but may be played SA or SAT
Geisler JE28 - Kling Glockchen (traditional)
KLING GLOCKCHEN a traditional German Christmas Carol. This delightful arrangement passes the melody between tenors and soprano while the other parts provide harmonies & bell-like interludes. Score with English lyrics and recorder parts. Arranged by R. Geisler for recorder quintet SATTB plus glockenspiel and bells. May be played SA or SAT Audio
JR25 (Charlton)
AMERICAN PATRIOTIC SONGS / 15 Pieces freely arranged by Andrew Charlton Including: America, Hail Columbia, America the Beautiful, The Marines' Hymn, I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, There Are Many Flags (This unique book is now out-of-print, only a limited number available). Trio SAT, Intermediate & Up, playing score
JR29 (Charlton)
IRELAND FOREVER! 12 traditional dances of the Emerald Isle arranged by Andrew Charlton for Trio SAT, Intermediate and Up, playing score
KEFOS04 (Moore, G (arr))
(14) Native American Tunes / score - most SAT - ATB
LCC10 (Loux, Joseph / editor)
TWO EUROPEAN CAROLS/ French & English for SAT, Intermediate, score
LMP0029 (Martini)
Air / ScP - SAT - ATT(B) Medium
LMP0031 (Martini)
Gavotte / score & parts, ATTB SAT Medium
LMP0091 ((various))
The Sunday Consort (Vick ed.) / ScP - SAT Easy-Medium
LMP0102 (Newarke)
But Why Am I So Abused? (Fayrfax Manuscript 1500) / SAT Medium
LMP0103 (Eastman)
Sonatina in C Major / ScP - SAT Medium
LMP0152 (Mageau)
Trio ( 5 contrasting movements) / ScP - SAT Medium
LMP0172 (Chandler)
Trio (Rush Hour, Cradle Song, Slauson St. Polka) / SAT
LPM152 (Mageau, Mary)
TRIO / A substantial contemporary trio completed in 1997. All five of the TRIO's contrasting movements are tonally based and each draws distinctive characterizations from the exploration of mood and texture. Does not use avante garde techniques. Upper intermediate to advanced, score and parts.
LPMEM14 (Baldwyn)
Two Pieces (Coocow as I me Walked; Browning) / ScP - SAT - ATB
LPMIM02 (Ruffo)
3 Pieces from Capricci in Musica (1564) / ScP - SAT
LPMRB07 ((various))
Madrigals and Villanelle (Festa, Ruffo, Nola+) / score - SAT
MBF0566 (Cowan)
Consort in Concert (53 folk & classic songs) / 3-5 recorders
MK00063 (Bauer)
Var. Im Marzen der Bauer die Rosslein einspannt / sc. - SAT Easy
MK00080 (Faber)
A New Day is Dawning (German text) / score - SAT - SSA
MK00135 (Bach, JS)
Dances and Songs / score - SAT Medium
MK00141 (Mozart, WA)
Eight Dances / score - SAT Medium
MK00144 (Oberborbeck)
A Short Christmas Oratorio / score, SAT - SSA - SAAT+ Medium
MK00153 (Naudot - Schone)
Lovely Minuets from Olden Times / score - SSA - SAT - SAA Easy
MK00172 (Oberborbeck)
Songs of the Night (German text) / score - SST - SAT Medium
MK00181 (Anonymous)
3 One-Part Instrumental Pieces of the Middle Ages / S, A, T Advanced
MK00182 (Oberborbeck)
Vechtaer Advent Cantata / score, SAT Easy
MK00208 (Mozart, WA)
Pieces from the London Sketch Book / score - SAT Medium
MK00209 (Bresgen)
Rumanian Folk Tunes / score - SAT Easy
MK00230 (Genzmer)
Five Bagatelles / score - SAT Medium
MK00234 (Prez, des)
La Plus des Plus, 5 Songs / score - SAT Medium
MK00237 (Poser)
Christmas Partita / score, SAT - SSA instr
MK00259 (Lutoslawski)
6 POLISH CHRISTMAS CAROLS/ For SAT, Intermediate, score
MK00278 (Knapp)
New Suite for Three / score - SAT - SSA
MK00282 (Marx)
A Castle in Austria (a short cantata; German text) / sc. - SAT Medium
MK00284 (Martelli, Henri / arranger)
CHANTS et DANSE de NOEL/ based on French folklore from the various provinces of France. Charming and amiable music that is still sung and danced to during the Christmas festivities. Very nice phrasing and articulation marks provided by the arranger. For SAT. Intermediate and Up. score
MK00301 (Poser)
Variations on a Popular Song / score - SAT - SSA Easy-Medium
MK00313 (Bresgen)
Macedonian Folk Tunes / score - SAT - SSA Medium
MK00316 (Bresgen)
Bulgarian Folk Tunes / score - SAT Medium
MK00327 (Fegers)
8 Zwiefache, Vol. 1 (contemporary) / score - SAT Easy
MK00341 ((various))
Polish Folk Dances in 2, 3 and 4 parts / score - SSAT Easy
MK00356 (Dedekind)
Ten Tricinia (1588) / score - SAT Easy
MK00363 (Szalonek)
Five Small Pieces / score - SAT Advanced
MK00382 (Paporisz)
Bucolic Tunes / score - SAA - SAT
MK00389.0 (Bresgen (ed))
12 Hungarian Gypsy Songs & Dances / score - SAT , SATB Medium
MK00392 (Matousek (ed))
Czech Music of the 15th Century / score - SAT Medium
MK00403 (Thiele (ed))
8 European Christmas Carols / score - SAT Medium
MK00404.5 (Coperario)
Two Fantasies / score - SAT Easy
MK00408 (Bresgen)
Albanian Tunes / score - SAT Easy
MK00412 (Cooke)
Sonatina / score - SAT Easy
MK00421 (Laburda)
Five Brazilian Melodies / score - SAT Medium
MK00432 (Fegers)
8 Zwiefache, Vol. 2 / score - SAT
MK00460 (Lechner)
Beyond the Stars / score - SAT Medium
MK00470.1 (Rhau)
Eight Tricinia (Hechler ed.) / score - SAT Easy
MK00475 (Lechner, Conrad)
IN DULCI JUBILO/ 11 European Christmas carols with changing forms of treatment from the homophonic Bordun and Ostinato movements, a free-tonally worked carol to a linear polyrhythmical sequence of contemporary musical thought. For various trio groupings of SATB, Level of difficulty is from Intermediate to Advanced depending on piece, score
MK00512.3 (Monkemeyer)
Four Tricinia c. 1400 / score - SAA Advanced
MK00520 (Cooke)
Pieces for Three / score - SAT Medium
MK00538 (Laburda)
Terzetti / score - SAT Easy
MK00550 (Matuszczak)
Improvvisazione per Flauto Solo / S, A, T Advanced
MK00599.0 (Friederich)
Happy Birthday Variations / score - SAT Medium
MK00613 (Friederich)
Highstreet-Dixie / score - SAT Medium
MK00639.0 (Haydn)
20 Pieces for Flute Clocks, Book 2 / score - SAT - SSA Medium
MK00641 (Nitz (ed))
Frottola & Villancico Italian & Spanish Compositions / SAT Medium-Advanced
MK00643 (Scheidt, Samuel)
A SOLIS ORTUS CARDINE/ Hymnus de nativitate Christi, from Tabulatura Nova, 1624 3 settings duet ST, trios ATB & SAT, Intermediate, score
MK00677.8 (Anonymous)
3 Part Instrumental Pieces from English Renaissance / SAT - ATB Medium
MK00681 (Dadiani)
Two Georgian Ecclesiastical Songs / score, SAT; SAAT
MK00682 (Sanders (ed))
Spirituals / score - mostly SAT Easy-Medium
MK00686.7 (Haydn)
20 Pieces for Flute Clocks, Book 1 / score - SAT Medium
MK00688 (Breen)
St. Margaret's Suite / score - SAT Medium
MK00704 (Bach, JS)
Badinerie / score - SAT
MK00710.1 (Haydn)
20 Pieces for Flute Clocks, Book 3 / score - SAT Medium
MK00712 (Autenrieth (arr))
Auld Scots Songs / score - SAT
MK00717.8 (Ziesmann, Egon arranger)
LIEDER IM FRULING / (Songs of Spring) Eight German folk songs. Includes lyrics in score Lower intermediate to intermediate, score.
MK00726.7 (Ziesmann, Egon)
SONGS for CHRISTMAS/ Eight well known German carols with instrumental introductions. Easy arrangements designed to be played at Christmas gatherings. Includes text in German. For SAT, score
MK00751 (Autenrieth (ed))
Christmas Trios (Pachelbel, Bach+) / score, SAT
MK01513 (Cooke)
Suite / Score & parts, SAT,H-Pf
MK01550 (Kaser)
Dupuy Tren / ScP - 3-6 r
MK02074 (Hechler, Ilse / editor)
TRIOS FOR ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS TIME A beautiful collection of 25 works from the 1600's by composers such as Cabezon, Pachelbel, Praetorius, Scheidt, Walther and others. Various versions of Ave maria stella, A solus ortus cardine, Magnificat, Puer natus in Bethelehem, In dulci jubilo, Nun komm der heiden Heiland and more. For Soprano, Alto (up 8va), Tenor, Intermediate, score
MK02125 (Gebauer)
Bilder und Stimmungen (9 pieces) / ScP - SSA - SAT
MK02127 (Roelcke)
12 Sacred Songs (12 Geistliche Lieder) / score - SSA - SAT
MK02511 (Hechler (ed))
Trio Pieces from the Glogauer Manuscript (1480) / rrr - ATB - SAT - STB
MK02522 (Bornefeld)
Concentus (German text) / ScP - SAT
MK03016 (Serocki)
The Gnomes: 7 Three-Part miniatures / score - SAT
MK0308 (Trinius, Martin)
VON HIMMEL HOCH, O ENGLEIN, KOMMT/ Composed in 1963 it is a lovely work woven around these beautiful old melodies. There are 7 movements that work very well spread throughout a church service. For trio SAB (in treble clef) or SAT, Upper Intermediate, score only
MK03611 (Escobar - Penalosa)
Villancicos and Mass / ScP - SAT
MK03611P1 (Escobar - Penalosa)
Villancicos and Mass / part - S
MK03611P2 (Escobar - Penalosa)
Villancicos and Mass / part - A
MK03611P3 (Escobar - Penalosa)
Villancicos and Mass / part - T
MK03611S (Escobar - Penalosa)
Villancicos and Mass / score - STT - SAT
MP04000 (Senfl)
Complete Instrumental Music (11 pieces) / score & parts, Var.:3-5 r
MR00052 (Bach, JS)
Two Fughettas / score - SAT Medium
MR00060 (Bauer)
Suite / score - SAT Easy
33 CHRISTMAS CAROLS for THREE RECORDERS arranged by John Kitts-Turner, Traditional European and American Carols for SAT, Easy, Spiral-bound playing score.
N2339 (Harras)
TANZ New and Curious Theatrical Dances, Nurnberg, 1716 edited by Manfred Harras. A beautiful edition of unusual dance melodies. Left page contains the original print with dance melody, artist's rendering & notes. Right contains dances in modern type. 27 dances for Sop. or Tenor, 12 can be played on alto, Intermediate
N2372 (various)
FROM THE PRE-CLASSICAL and CLASSICAL PERIOD - 19 DANCES & PIECES arranged by Grete Zahn for SAT Recorder Trio. Some of the 19 selections are: 1 Schwaebisch by J.C.F. Bach, 2. Ecossaise by J.N. Hummel, 3. Allegro by W.F. Bach, 4. English Dance by Karl D. von Dittersdorf, 5. Allegro, Andantino & Andantino by Joseph Haydn 6. Adagio, Polonaise, Adagio & Menuetto by W.A. Mozart, 7. Menuett by Ludwig van Beethoven 8. Two Ecossaises & Menuet by Franz Schubert 9. Allegretto by Anton Diabelli The original dynamics and articulation are retained.The collection is a 24-page playing score for Soprano, Alto & Tenor Recorders. The playing level is Intermediate. Photo
N2532 (Grete Zahn, edi-tor)
N3963 (Ulrich Herrmann, editor)
TRIO COLLECTION/ a wide selection of works from the 14th to 20th centuries. Composers such as Dustable, Obrecht, Lasso, Byrd, Schein, Corelli, Vaentino, Han-del, Bach, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Bruck-ner, Rimsky-Korsakow and more! A very nice collec-tion of sacred and secular music. Various trio combinations required-SAT, ATT, ATB, SAB etc. Intermediate, a 55 page playing score!
N3976 (various)
TRIO BOOK II for THREE RECORDERS arranged by Ulrich Herrmann 18 musical pieces from the 17th to 20th Centuries. Works by Michael Praetorius, Giovanni Bassano, John Jenkins, Giovanni Battista Vitali, Antonio Vivaldi, G.P. Telemann, J.S. Bach, Guiseppe Sammartini, G.F. Handel, C.W. Gluck, W.A. Mozart, F.J. Dussek, J.J. Quantz and Ulrich Herrmann. Six pieces are for ATB recorders, 1 for AAB recorders, 6 for AAT recorders, 4 for SAT recorders, 3 for AAA recorders, 1 for SAB recorders. The collection is a 39-page playing score, this is a deluxe edition that includes a 3rd page fold-out when the piece is longer than two pages so there are no bad page turns. Playing level is Intermediate to Advanced. Photo
RENAISSANCE to ROMANTIC arranged by Willibald Lutz for SAT. Includes 9 Renaissance songs and dances from the 15th & 16th centuries, from the Baroque era there are 22 movements by JS Bach, GP Telemann, GF Handel, Henry Purcell, Johann Pachelbel, JC Fisher and, others. From the Classical era, there are 23 movements by WA Mozart, JC Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Joseph Haydn and more. From the Romantic era, there are 12 selections by Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, Franz Liszt, and more. FOR SOPRANO, ALTO 7 TENOR RECORDERS, Playing level is Easy to Intermediate. A 58-page playing score. Photo
N4500 (Uwe Heger, editor)
O DU LIEBER AUGUSTIN/ The first piece is an easy arrangement of this well-known Germany folk song. An easy, progressive collection of mostly folk music from Europe and the USA with some Beethoven, Brahms and Offenbach included. Nice arrangements with interesting parts for all three lines. Range is comfortable, not many high notes. SAT, Lower Intermediate, 36 page playing score, no page turn problems.
N4525 (Uwe Heger, editor)
O DU LIEBER AUGUSTIN VOL 2/ Again the first piece is this Germany folk song but now it is a more involved arrangement with 2 variations. In volume 2 only a third of the book contains folk music, the rest is by J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Charpentier, Schumann Strauss & Scott Joplin. Rhythms are more difficult, there are more phrase, dynamic and articula-tions markings as well as accidentals. SAT, Intermediate, 42 page playing score no page turn problems.
N4646 (Willibald Lutz)
THE GREAT CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - TRIOS/ various trio combination are possible SAT, SST,SAB, SSB or SAA, 70 carols from Europe & America from the 15th century to the present. Listed by category. German Text. Lower Intermediate to Intermediate.
N4888 (Uwe Heger)
STREET MUSIC FOR 3 Bk 1 - KLEZMER, BLUES, RAGTIME & LATIN-FOLK by Uwe Heger. for SAT Recorders plus bass instrument ad libitum (bass recorder, cello, contrabass, bassoon etc.) There are: 5 Ragtime pieces, 6 Blues, 8 Klezmer, and 6 Latin (mostly Tangos). This 51 page book is a playing-score with no page-turn problems, type is large and clear. Level is Intermediate+ It is both fun to play and listen to. Photo
N4889 (Uwe Heger)
STREET MUSIC FOR 3 - Book 2 by Uwe Heger This book 2 is more involved than book 1 with articuations indications, ornaments added, dynamics, syncopations and more involved format. There are 8 Klezmer pieces, 8 Blues, 4 Ragtime and 6 Tangos. It is for SAT Recorders with added bass instrument ad libitum (bass recorder, cello, contrabass, basson etc.). Playing level is Upper Intermediate to Avanced. The book is a 52-page playing score. There are no page turns, printing is clean and easy to read. Pure enjoyment! Photo
OFB0035 (Genzmer)
Trio / score - SAA - SAT Advanced
OFB0120 (Gal)
Divertimento, Op. 98 / score - SAT Medium
OFB0151 (Stockert)
Glogauer Leiderbuch (1480), Vol. 2 / score - SAT - SAB Easy-Medium
PAN0214 (Haydn)
Sechs Stucke (Six Pieces) score / SAT
PAN0226 (Biedermann - Pijoan)
Faites Chanter Les Flutes / score - SAT
PAN0277 (Ruegg)
Gefalliges Triospiel / score - SAT
PAN0743 (Petri (ed))
Musik of Israel / score - mostly SAT
PAN0749 (Girard)
Musik in der Kirche (Beloved Church Songs) / ScP - SAT
PAN0753 (Harras, Manfred / editor)
ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS MUSIC FROM OLD MASTERS, BOOK 3/ Five chorals from the 16th & 17th centuries in polyphonic settings by Adam Gumpelzhaimer, Matthaus le Maistre, Michael Pratorius and Melchior Scharer. For trio - 3 are SSA and 2 SAT (alto parts up an octave), Intermediate, score only
PAN0757 (Harras)
Chorales by Old Masters, Book 2 / score - SAT
PAN0776 (Petri (ed))
Music of Vietnam / score - SAT
PAN0777 (Petri (ed))
Music from Africa / score - SAT - SSA+
PAN0778 (Petri (ed))
Musik aus Ungarn (Hungarian Music) / score - SAT
PAN0779 (Petri (ed))
Musik aus Sudostasien (Birma & Cambodia) / score - SAT
PAN0786 (Baer-Grau)
Vielles Contredances / score - SAT
PAN0812 (Vinci)
6 Ricercari for 3 Voices / score - combos of SATB
PAN0813 (Bernolin)
Polish Music of Middle Ages / score - SAT
PAN753 (Harras, Manfred / editor)
ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS MUSIC FROM OLD MASTERS, BOOK 3/ Five chorals from the 16th & 17th centuries in polyphonic settings by Adam Gumpelzhaimer, Matthaus le Maistre, Michael Pratorius and Melchior Scharer. For trio - 3 are SSA and 2 SAT (alto parts up an octave), Intermediate, score only
PEL0744 (Monkemeyer)
Instrumental Melodies of 1500 / score - SAT
PEL0868 (Holborne)
Fantasien & Short Aers / score - SAA - SAT
PP00065 (Bateson)
Your Shining Eyes (a delightful madrigal) / ScP - SAT Medium
PP00128 (Weelkes)
Since Robin Hood / ScP - SAT Medium
20 CHRISTMAS CAROLS arranged by Alan Davis. 1. A virgin most pure, 2. Away in a Manger (Kirkpatrick melody) 3. God rest you merry 4. rocking (Czech) 5. Here we come a-wassailing 6. How far is it to Bethlehem? 7. Il est ne 8. In dulci jubilo 9. I saw three ships 10. Lo! He comes with clouds descending 11. O Come, O come, Emmanuel 12. O Tannenbaum 13. Quem pastores 14. Silent Night 15. The Holly and the Ivy 16. The Holy Well 17. The virgin Mary had a baby boy 18. Three Kings of Orient 19. Tomorrow shall be my dancing day 20. Infant holy, infant lowly Trio for SAT Intermediate, score only no page turn problems. There are not many Christmas trio books so this is a welcome addition.
PRM195 (Marg Hall)
RAZZJAZZ FOR THREE by Marg Hall Three original jazzy trios 1. Bouncing Back (fast swing), 2. Under the Moon (Moderate swing), 3. April Fool (fast swing) All eighth-notes are to be played swung. For Soprano, Alto and Tenor Recorders, score and parts. Playing level in Intermediate Photo
PRM222 (Marg Hall)
WINTER WEATHER by Marg Hall for recorder trio. A seasonal descriptive composition in 3 movements. 1. Snow (soft and slow), 2.Wind (quick tempo, crescendo & decrescendo) 3. Rain (moderate tempo with staccato notes). Perfect November music, fun to play. For Soprano, Alto and Tenor Recorders, score and parts, Playing level is lower intermediate. Photo
PRM224 (Marg Hall)
FIVE FINE SCHOTTISH SONGS by Marg Hall The five songs are: 1. 'O my love is like a red, red, rose' 2. 'Duncan Gray' 3. 'A rosebud by my early walk', 4. 'Jack O'Hazeldean' 5. 'Charlie is my darling' Arranged for trio: SAT Recorders, score and parts, Intermediate Photo
PRM278 - Three Christmas Spirituals (Marg Hall)
THREE CHRISTMAS SPIRITUALS arranged by Marg Hall 1. The Virgin Mary had a baby boy 2. Children, go where I send thee 3. Mary had a baby Intermediate (some syncopated rhythms) Trio for Sop, Alto, Tenor, score and parts.
PRM581 (Marg Hall)
SIX IRISH AIRS by Marg Hall The 6 Airs are: 1. 'An Ghaoth Aneas' (The South Wind) 2. 'An Choisir' (The Party), 3. 'Roisin Dubh' (Little Black Rose), 4. 'Mo Mhaire (My Mary), 5. 'The Curragh of Kildare', 6. 'The Leprahaun' Arranged for trio:SAT RECORDERS, score and parts, Intermediate Photo
PRM732 (Marg Hall)
THE DASHING WHITE SERGEANT AND OTHER SCOTTISH DANCE TUNES by Marg Hall, Four Scottish Trios for SAT Recorders. 1. The Dashing White Sergeant - dance tune from 1826 2. Orange and Blue - Highland Scottish dance 3. The Cock o' the North - tune is over 300 years old, 4. Scotland the Brave - dance tune from the late 19th century, It has become an unofficial Scottish national anthem, second only to Flower of Scotland. For SATB recorder trio. Includes score and parts. The Playing level in Intermediate. Photo
RCE0008 (Davenport)
Variations on Three Ravens / SAT
RCE0020 (Fischer)
Calliope Suite / score - SAT
RCE0027 (Koch)
God Bless the Prince of Wales & 26 other Melodies / score, SAAT
RCE0035 (Dorough)
Homophonic Suite in Four Movements / score - SAT
RCE10 (Katz)
CHRISTMAS FROM MANY LANDS - 18 carols from France, Mexico, Germany and England arranged by Erich Katz for SAT, score
RFS0036 (Byther (ed))
Dorian Weave: 2 American Tunes / score - SAT Easy
RM0003EP (Muro)
CAPRIOL'S CAPER/ An arrangement of 3 famous dances tunes from Arbeau's Orchesographie. A blend of old and new. For Intermediate with four performance options: S, SA, SAT, SATB - economy pack 10 scores /
RM0003K (Muro, Don)
CAPRIOL'S CAPER/ An arrangement of 3 famous dances tunes from Arbeau's Orchesographie. A blend of old and new. For Intermediate with four performance options: S, SA, SAT, SATB 2 Scores & cassette accomp. - performance
RM0003S (Muro, Don)
CAPRIOL'S CAPER/ An arrangement of 3 famous dances tunes from Arbeau's Orchesographie. A blend of old and new. For Intermediate with four performance options: S, SA, SAT, SATB 1 recorder score
RM003EP (Muro, Don)
CAPRIOL'S CAPER/ An arrangement of 3 famous dances tunes from Arbeau's Orchesographie. A blend of old and new. For Intermediate with four performance options: S, SA, SAT, SATB 10 pack of recorder scores
SP02310 (Staeps)
Three Early Melodies / score - SAT Easy
SP02316 (Burakoff - Strickland)
Musicke From Olde England / score - SAT Medium
SP02327 (Burakoff - Strickland)
Piper's Fancy / score - SAT Medium
SP02327D (Burakoff,G - Riley)
Piper's Fancy: accompanying dance instructions /
SP02344 (Clark)
Trios International / score - SAT Medium
SP02346 (Harrington)
Irish Airs and Dances / score - SAT Medium
SP02349 (Strickland)
A Gaelic Suite / score - SAT Medium
SP02356 (Bach, JS)
Bach For Three Recorders / score - SAT Medium
SP2408 (Lindvall)
DEVOTIONAL HYMNS arranged by Susan Lindvall Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Abide with Me, Were You There, Beneath the Cross of Jesus, Ah Holy Jesus, O Sacred Head , Lord Take My Hand, Go to Dark Gethsemane TRIO SAT, Easy Moderate, playing score
ST02655 (Kaestner)
Dances & Pieces of Old Masters / score, SSAT Easy - Medium
ST04801 (Meech)
Old English Dances from Playford / score - SAT
ST06388 (Reichelt (ed))
Musical Forms: Middle Ages to Classical Period / score, 2-4: SATB
ST10008 (Hunt)
Old Masters: Bach, Handel, Purcell / score - SAT - SSA - SST - SAA Medium
ST10018 (Hunt)
12 Christmas Carols / score, SSA - SAT Easy
ST10019 (Hunt)
12 National Airs / score - SA or SAT, Easy
ST10043 (Humfrey)
Five Airs / score - SAT - SST - SSA - SAA Medium
ST10094A (Hindemith)
Trio (Ploner Musiktag) / score - SAA - SAT Advanced
ST10094B (Hindemith)
Trio (Ploner Musiktag) - set of parts / SAA - SAT Advanced
ST10248 (Robinson)
Prelude, Andante & Gallivante / ScP - SAT Medium-Advanced
ST10365 (Champion)
Folk Dances (14 settings) / score - SAT - SST - SSA - SAA Easy
ST10472 (Meech)
Puppet Show / ScP - SAT Medium
ST10511 (Smith)
Serenade / score - SAT Medium
ST10602 (Meech)
Viennese Classics, 7 pieces (Haydn, Mozart+) / score - SAT Medium
ST10889 (Bergmann)
Variation on Le Mois de Mai / score - SAT Medium
ST11545 (Byrd)
2 Fantasies / score - SAT Medium
ST11548 (Gibbons)
Fantasia No. 1 / score - SAT Easy-Medium
ST11550 (Cannell)
4 Early Tudor Trios / score - SAT Medium
ST11565 (Farnaby)
8 Pieces / score - SAT Medium
ST11587 (Obrecht-Issac)
Three Trios/ score - SAT Medium
ST11592 (Deering)
Pavan & Motet / score - SAT Medium
ST11636 (Hartmann)
Suite / score - SAT Medium
ST11652 (Hotteterre)
Duo and Rondeau / Score, SA-SAT, Pf Medium
ST11665 (Cormack)
Divertissement - performance score / SAT
ST11779 (Corelli)
Christmas Pastoral (from Christmas Concerto) / score, SAT - SA,V Easy -Medium
ST11811 (Hook)
Trio in G Major, Op. 133, No. 1 / score - SAT Medium
ST11819 (Moore, R)
Saraband / score - SAT - AAT Medium
ST11823 (Jacobs)
Eclogue and Menuet / score - SSA - SSA - SST - SAT Medium
ST11828 (Holborne)
2 Fantasias (from Cittharn Schoole 1597) / score - SAT - SAA Medium
ST11831 (Handel)
Allegro (from Concerto Grosso, Op. 6, No. 1) / score - SAT Medium
ST12204 (Beethoven)
Trio, Op. 87 / score - SAT Medium
ST12243 (Mozart, WA)
Trio, (after K439b: Allegro, Adagio, Minuetto & Rondo) / SAT Medium
ST12387 ((various))
Recorder Consort Anthology, Vol. 1, 15th Century
ST12388 ((various))
Recorder Consort Anthology, Vol. 2, French & Spanish
ST12389 ((various))
Recorder Consort Anthology, Vol. 3, Italian Music
ST12391 ((various))
Recorder Consort Anthology, Vol. 5, German & Dutch
THIRTEEN STARS Music of Colonial, Revolutionary and Federalist America arranged by John S. Kitts-Turner. Thirteen Early American Tunes, each harmonized three times and arranged for Recorder Duet, Trio and Quartet. The Music and texts were taken from Kate Van Winkle Keller,'George Washington:Music for the First President'. From the Colonial Music Institute in Maryland. Duets are for Soprano & Alto Recorders, Trios:Soprano, Alto and Tenor Recorders, Quartets:SATB 47 page Playing Score, Easy - Moderate. Photo
TM00104 (Touchin)
Fanfare, Intermezzo & Scherzo / ScP - SAT
TM00120 (Marshall)
Trio / ScP - SAT
TR00002 (Barsanti)
Old Scottish Songs / score - SAT Medium
TR00006A (Nagel)
8 Trios for Recorders or Viols, 2nd ed., Vol. 1 / score - Various Medium
TR00006B (Nagel)
Trios for Recorders or Viols, Vol. 2 / score - Various Medium
TR00030 (Palestrina)
10 Trios from the Magnificat / score - SAT Easy-Medium
TR43 (Ayton, Will)
SETTINGS OF SONGS OF THE BRITISH ISLES/ arranged for trio. The 12 tunes used are the archetypes of the folk melody - old tunes, based on their original simple beginnings. The setting start with the melody in the top voice with lyrics underneath. Then Ayton develops it in a fantasia style but works to keep a free meter so the flow of the original tune is not lost. SAT recorders or Treble,Tenor, Bass viols, Intermediate, playing score