recorder teacher

Courtly Music Unlimited

Everything for the recorder enthusiast, or those who would like to be!

Richie & Elaine Henzler, Proprietors
800-2-Richie (800-274-2443)

89 River Street, 3rd Floor Unit 3 (River Street Plaza),
Warrensburg, NY 12885-1665



Part Number and Description Price
ED11221 (Hunt, Edgar)
THE BASS RECORDER/ Contains written discussion of aspects of playing the bass such as: Notation, Holding the Bass, Historical Notes, Repertoire, Fingering - the wider span & in relation to notation. A few short exercises & 1 musical selection by J.B. Loeillet.
EM2038 (Monkemeyer, Helmut)
PLAYING THE BASS RECORDER by Helmut Monkemeyer A methodical Bass Recorder method that assumes knowledge of rhythm and notation. There are exercises for each fingering introduced. Exercises are in the bass clef with one included in the treble clef (as bass player need to occasionally shift clefs). Alternate fingerings are also indicated. The exercises are followed by short Renaissance, Baroque and Contemporary solos and duets. Duets are generally for SA or T and Bass. A very nice sampling of music. There is a beautiful 'Forlana' duet by Nicolas Chedeville (1705-1782) for two basses. A pull-out fingering and trill chart is also included. Every bass player should have a copy of this excellent book in their library.
HATT001 (McGillivray, Rosemary)
MRS McGILLIVRAY'S WELCOME/ A bass recorder tutor with a Scottish flavour for those who already play recorder and now want to move into the mellow bass sound. Assumes previous knowledge of rhythm and notation. Also, an enjoyable collection for those who already play bass recorder. 45 pages chock full of exercises, varied folk songs and Early music to introduce the bass clef in a digestible and enjoyable manner.
JRCM (Charlton, Andrew)
THE CHARLTON METHOD FOR THE RECORDER A Manual for the Advanced Player. Bernard J. Hopkins in the November 1982 issue of The American Recorder reviewed the first edition. The review started: 'If a serious and determined recorder player is seeking a guide for his ascent of Parnassus, he will find it in this volume. Andrew Charlton ... has produced this 'Complete Recorder Player' to fill a long-felt need for a comprehensive adult tutor.' Contents include: Fingering & trill charts, 63 basic technique exercises, 69 articulation & coordination studies, 14 interval studies, Alternate fingering studies and exercises, 39 scale & arpeggio studies, 16 studies for bass, Vibrato, 12 studies and 16 duos from the works of Bach, Renaissance embellishment, Baroque embellishment, double & triple tonguing, Clefs-including 17 exercises and 2 duets, 22 characteristic etudes for various recorders, 15 duos by a wide variety of composers for various recorder combinations. 180 pages. For both C & F recorders (This is not specifically a bass method, but it contains a wealth of bass material.) Photo
PAN202 (Frey / Spiess)
UE31970 (Irmhild Beutler Martin Ripper Sylvia Rosen)
BASS RECORDER WORKSHOP Vol 1/ Learn to play bass recorder in ensemble with Ensemble Dreiklang Berlin.. Contains a bass workbook with exercises that introduce the notes in the bass clef, excellent articulation exercises and advice for improving technique (that applies to any size recorder). All the exercises are on the CD along with demonstrations, so you are working along with the teacher. Also included are a score and complete set of parts for the ensemble music. The pieces are Ungaresca, Petrushka, Les Bouffons, The Washerwomen's Bransle, Scarborough Fair. Informative background notes are given for each piece. It is recorded twice on the CD - with and without the bass part. Having all the parts mean you can play along with theses wonderfully, enthusiastic performers on any of the recorder parts or work on the music with your own recorder group. One of the most complete teaching systems to come along in years!
UE31971 (Irmhild Beutler Martin Ripper Sylvia Rosen)
BASS RECORDER WORKSHOP Vol 2/ Continues from volume 1. In the bass workbook the remainder of the notes are added and indepth attention is given to breathing and intonation on recorder. This is the best discussion of intonation I have ever come across. All recorder players should read this advice. Then, like in book 1 the CD contains all the exercises and demonstrations of the topics discussed in the book. Included are a score and complete set of parts. The ensemble pieces are Dindiridin, Greensleeves, Un poquito canto, a Menuet by Mattheson and Pari intervallo by Estonain composer Arvo Part. Both a 'high' and 'low' version of the Arvo Part are included. Informative background notes are given for each piece. It is recommended that both books be purchased together to receive the full benefits of this great teaching package.
UE31972 - Bass Recorder Workshop vol 3 (Beutler/Ripper/Rosin/)
BASS RECORDER WORKSHOP VOL 3 by Irmhild Beutler, Martin Ripper & Sylvia Rosen of Ensemble Dreiklang Berlin. The Bass work book 3 deals with the lowest, highest and troublesome notes on bass - Low F#,G#, high G', C#' G', F#', Ab' with numerous exercises, scales with emphasis on the chromatic scale. The ensemble pieces are: 1. a selection from Mendolssohn's oratorio Elijah, a beautiful work arranged for three Basses. 2. A jazzed up version of the spiritual Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho for 2 Altos & Bass 3. Andante from Telemann's duet Sonata II arranged for two Basses. Included is A full score, bass exercise and technique workbook, 3 parts for the ensemble music, CD with full demonstration performances and play-along tracks. Well worth the price!