All VHRxxxx titles below are part of the RECORDER AND MORE by Winifried Hackl The classic play-a-long: Created by a teacher and player to fill a need - the lack of adequate accompanists and to provide the challenge and motivation to make music with other musicians and various types of instruments. To make it easier for the student to follow along, both the recorder and bass parts are included in the written music. This also makes it possible for another recorder player to accompany on the bass recorder. All selections have been recorded twice, once with the recorder part and once without it. Soprano or Tenor Recorder and CD
All MPxxxx titles below are from MUSIC PARTNERS: Professional CD accompaniments - all it needs is you! Offering the instrumental soloist the possibility of ensemble playing for enjoyment or study. Outstanding artists have been contracted to record works by major composers with the solo line left out - all are for alto recorder - upper intermediate to advanced
Part Number and Description | Price |
AMERICAN FOLK MUSIC with CD 34 of the most beautiful American Folk Tunes. Includes Aura Lee, Little Brown Jug, Shaker Blessings, Red River Valley, Wayfaring Stranger, Shenandoah, The Water is Wide, Morning Has Broken Amazing Grace The first 34 tracks are performed by Jessica Wash, recorder and Andrew D. Gordon, piano. The lovely accompaniments were composed by Anita Briggs. Lyrics are included; they are integral to knowing the songs. Folk songs are about play, work, love and death, dancing --everything. Tracks 35 to 68 are Play-Along. If your ensemble skills are a bit weak, it is suggested you listen to the first section as a guide. The tunes are not technically difficult but the ability to pick up the tempo, meter and count is necessary. For Sop or Tenor Intermediate Photo |
$21.95 |
- Ultimate Christmas Instrumental Solos
ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS INSTRUMENTAL SOLOS with MP3 CD with fully orchestrated accompaniment includes a DEMO track of each song followed by a PLAY-ALONG track. Also included on the MP3 CD are piano accompaniment parts. There are 43 Christmas traditional carols & popular songs. Some are grouped into medleys like Folk Carol Suite: 1. Noel Nouvelet, 2. Masters in This Hall 3. Coventry Carol 4. O Du Frohliche or Celebratory Medley: 1. Hallelujah Chorus 2. Joy to the World. Some individual songs are Feliz Navidad, Let It Snow!, Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, The Little Drummer Boy, O Holy Night and many more. This book is also compatible with the other books in this series for Clarinet, Sax, Trumpet, Horn & Trombone. For ALTO RECORDER, 57 page recorder/flute part. Upper Intermediate - Advanced. Lots of fun Holiday playing! Photo |
$16.99 |
CHRISTMAS MUSIC FOR FLUTE (TENOR or SOPRANO RECORDER) in the European Tradition/ Twenty-one traditional, Medieval & Renaissance Carols with variations by Allan Alexander. The less-known carols are: Let It Sound, We Sing in Celebration, A Babe is Born, Down in Yon Forest, He Is Born the Holy Child, Corde Natus, Saint Basil's Hymn, Here Between Ass and Oxen Mild. Guitar chords are included in the music and informat about each carol. The playing level is Intermediate. Guitar is the accompanying instrument. The CD maybe used for listening or as a play-along. It is recorded once with Flute and Guitar. Soprano or Tenor Part & CD |
$17.95 |
(Burakoff, Sonya)
THREE IN ONE/ It contains 3 separate well-crafted accompaniments from the printed scores for three of the most popular SWEET PIPES publications. Sonya Burakoff recorded the CD on a Baldwin Concert Grand piano in a studio setting, and offers piano accompaniments for Big Ben (SP2302), Lift Your Voices (SP2354) and Adventures in Style (SP2361). Ideal for teachers in performance and classroom situations, as well as, students to have for 'play-a-longs' and their own performance. Piano accompaniment CD |
$12.95 |
(Amchin, Robert)
MOODS AND MODES / Dr. Amchin is a nationally known Orff pedagogue. Sparkling, delightful tunes & sprightly accompaniments will excite your beginning to intermediate players. For 2 recorders (sop or tenor) & various percussion instruments. Score and CD (with performance and play-along versions.) |
$24.95 |
(George F. Handel)
PLAY HANDEL This wonderful book contains twelve of George F. Handel's most famous works for you to play along with the accompaniment CD. The accompaniment was recorded using organ and cello for an authentic sounding performance. Contents include Largo from Xerxes, Sarabande in d minor, He Shall Feed His Flock and Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion from Messiah, four selections from the Water Music and three from the Royal Fireworks. For Soprano or Tenor Recorder, Intermediate Music & CD Photo |
$19.99 |
(Michiel Oldenkamp & Paul van der Voort)
MAGIC TUNES 45 Recorder Tunes from England, Germany and the Netherlands with CD easy melodies that use the notes and musical ideas introduced in the RECORDER WORLD Method Books. Some of the songs are 'The Skye Boat', 'Sing a Song of Sixpence', 'Kumbaya' 'Morning has Broken' 'Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?' and many more. The CD contains 2 tracks: one complete, one accompaniment only. The book is full-size with 27 pages. For fun, one could color in the black and white illustrations. For Soprano Recorder, playing level is Easy. Photo |
$18.00 |
(Michiel Oldenkamp & Paul van der Voort)
SPECIAL SONGS 35 Recorder Tunes in Popular Styles with CD Easy original melodies composed in contemporary styles that use the notes and musical ideas introduced in the RECORDER WORLD Method Books. Some of the styles used are Latin, Rock, Ballad, Samba, Swing etc. The CD contains 2 tracks: one complete, one accompaniment only. The book is full-size with 27 pages. For fun, one could color in the black and white illustrations. For soprano recorder Photo |
$17.00 |
(Mozart, W. A.)
PLAY MOZART - A selection of 24 of the most popular themes by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Some selections are March of the Priests, Ave Verum Corpus, A Little Night Music, Movement 1 from Symphony #40, Horn Concerto #1 1st movement. The Pieces have been shortened to ensure playability, making Mozart's magical music available to the widest audience. Includes a CD with accompaniment, each song has two tracks - 1. complete and 2. accompaniment only. For Soprano or Tenor Recorder, 25 pages, Level is intermediate. Photo |
$22.00 |
(E Chedeville)
SUITE in G MAJOR by ESPRIT-PHILIPPE CHEDEVILLE for SOPRANO or TENOR RECORDER and Basso Continuo. The movements are: 1. Rondo 2. Musette I & II 3. Gavotte I 4. Rondo 5. Gavotte II 6. Minuet I & II 7. Cotillion. Includes urtext edition (12'x 9') Soprano or Tenor Recorder part and piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). Playing level is Intermediate For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed below. |
$19.95 |
(JB Loeillet de Gant)
SONATA in A MINOR, Op1 #1 by JEAN BAPTISTE LOEILLET de GANT for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo. Recorder players consider this one of their favorite Sonatas of the Baroque era. Includes Alto Recorder and Keyboard sheet music (20 pages) and CD. Playing level is Intermediate and Up. For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed below. |
$26.99 |
DOWANI 3 TEMPI PLAY-ALONG - The SERIES gives players the unique opportunity to practice pieces of their choice not only in varying tempi but with appropriate accompaniment The program allows the users not only to begin and end practice anywhere within a piece, but to repeat any parts as often as necessary. All titles come with sheet music (size 9' x 6.25')for the SOPRANO or ALTO RECORDER, complete with index markings for the CD tracks. This enables swift location of desired passages within a piece. Both the sheet music and the recordings have been kept as neutral as possible to allow ample latitude for users' interpretations. The first CD track contains a tuning pitch. This is followed by a quality recording of the entire piece in concert version. Famous soloist and real orchestras are used. Slow and mid-tempo renditions with piano accompaniment follow, with the solo part played discretely in the background on the slow version. When ready one may practice with the full orchestra, ensemble, basso continuo (depending on the work) in concert tempo. This play-along system will stimulate and promote the development of good intonation and sense of rhythm. The available titles cover a wide spectrum of difficulty, providing assistance to both beginners and advanced recorder players Photo |
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(G. Ph. Telemann)
PARTITA No. 2 for SOPRANO RECORDER and HARPSICHORD in G Major by GEORG PHILLIP TELEMANN. See DOW1000 for a description of this play-along series. It comes with Soprano recorder sheet music and CD |
$19.95 |
(J. Baston)
CONCERT No. 2 in C MAJOR for SOPRANO RECORDER, Strings, and Basso continuo by J. BASTON. It contains Soprano recorder sheet music and CD. Playing level Upper Intermediate. See DOW1000 for a description of this play-along series. |
$19.95 |
(R. Woodcock)
CONCERTO #3 in C MAJOR for SOPRANO RECORDER, Strings, and Basso continuo by ROBERT WOODCOCK. Includes The Soprano Recorder sheet music and CD. See DOW1000 for a description of this play-along series. Playing level is Intermediate and Up. |
$19.95 |
(M de la Barre)
SUITE # 9 from 'Deuxieme Livre' by MICHEL de la BARRE for SOPRANO or TENOR RECORDER AND Basso Continuo. The movements are: 1. Sonate l'Inconnue 2. Vivement & Gravement 3. Chaconne Playing level in Intermediate and Up. It includes urtext edition (12'x 9') Soprano Recorder part, a piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. Photo |
$19.95 |
(Ch Dieupart)
SUITE #2 in G minor by Ch DIEUPART for SOPRANO or TENOR RECORDER The movements of the Suite are: 1. Overture 2. Allemande 3. Courante 4. Courante 5. Sarabande 6. Gavotte 7.Menuet 8. Gigue Original ornaments are include - trills, Port de voix, Coule, Tour de goiser etc. a descripion of how to execute the ornaments is in the Preface Playing level in Intermediate and Up. It includes urtext edition (12'x 9') Soprano Recorder part, a piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. Photo |
$28.00 |
CHRISTMAS IN A BAROQUE STYLE with CD arranged by Winter & Zimmerman for SOPRANO or TENOR Recorder and Basso Continuo - includes parts for recorder, cello and keyboard. On the CD each carol is tracked three times: 1. Complete, 2. slower rehearsal tempo, 3. Basso Continuo only (no recorder player). Lyrics are in German. Eleven old European Carols- Schneeflocken, Weissrockchen, Kommet, ihr Hirten, Eis istein Ros' entsprunge, O du frohliche, Morgen Kommet der Wehnachtsmann, Leise rieselt der Schnee, Ihr Kinderlein Kommet, Von Himmel hoch...Kling Glockchen, Alle Jahre wieder, Stille Nacht See DOW1000 for a description of this series. Photo |
$12.95 |
(A Corelli)
SONATA Op 5 #10 by ARCHANGELO CORELLI for SOPRANO RECORDER and Basso Continuo. Includes Soprano Recorder sheet music and CD. Playing level is Intermediate and Up. For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. Photo |
$19.95 |
ALBUM VOLUME 1 (easy), FOR SOPRANO RECORDER edited and arranged by M Zimmermann. The collection contains Renaissance pieces by T. Susato: 'Mohrentanz', from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: 'Alman, Corranto and Dance', by P. Attaignant: 'Tourdion', and J. Paix: 'Hungarischa and Schiarazula' traditional folk music. Contains sheet music & CD For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. |
$19.95 |
ALBUM VOLUME 2, (easy) for SOPRANO RECORDER edited and arranged by M. Zimmermann. A varied selection of Baroque pieces by Marco. F. Caroso: 'Ballo delle fiori', J.S. Bach 'Two Menuette', A. Vivaldi 'Spring' from 'The Four Seasons', H. Purcell: 'Rondeau and Hornpipe'. It contains sheet music and CD. See DOW1000 for a description of this series. |
$19.95 |
(A. Corelli)
SONATA OP. 5, No. 8 in g minor for ALTO RECORDER and Basso continuo by ARCANGELO CORELLI. It contains the Alto Recorder sheet music and CD. Playing level is Intermediate to Advanced. For a description of this play-along series see DOW1000. |
$19.95 |
(G.F. Handel)
SONATA Op. 1 No. 4 in a minor for ALTO RECORDER and Basso continuo by GEORGE F HANDEL. Includes the Alto Recorder and keyboard sheet music and CD. For a description of this play-along series see DOW1000 above. Playing level is Intermediate and Up. |
$19.95 |
(GP Telemann)
SONATA #2 from 'Der getreue Musikmeister' in Bb Major for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo by GEORG PHILLIP TELEMANN. Includes alto recorder part and CD. The playing level is Intermediate and Up. For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. |
$19.95 |
(GF Handel)
SONATA Op 1 No. 11 for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo by GEORGE F. HANDEL. Includes ALTO RECORDER sheet music and CD. Playing level is Intermediate and Up. For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. |
$19.95 |
(GP Telemann)
SONATA No. 1 in F Major from 'Der getreue Musikmeister' for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo by GEORG PHILLIP TELEMANN. Includes ALTO RECORDER sheet music and CD. Playing level is Intermediate and Up. For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. |
$19.95 |
PAUL'S STEEPLE (Traditional) and FARONELL'S GROUND (La Follia) for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo. It includes urtext edition (12'x 9') Alto Recorder part, a piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. |
$19.95 |
(B Marcello)
SONATA in D MINOR Op.2 #2 by BENEDETTO MARCELLO for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo. Four movements: 1. Adagio 2. Allegro 3. largo 4. Allegro. Includes urtext edition (12'x9') Alto Recorder part and piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). Playing level Intermediate and Up. For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. |
$19.95 |
(GF Handel)
SONATA in C MAJOR, op 1 #7 by GEORGE F. HANDEL for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo. The movements are: 1. Larghetto, 2. Allegro 3. Larghetto 4. Tempo di Gavotti V. Allegro. Includes urtext edition (12'x9') Alto Recorder part and piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). Playing level is Intermediate to Advanced. For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. |
$19.95 |
(GP Telemann)
SONATA in C MAJOR, TWV42:C2 by GEORG PHILIPP TELEMANN for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo The movements are: 1. Cantabile 2. Allegro 3. Grave 4. Gavotta Includes urtext edition (12'x9') Alto Recorder part and piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). Playing level is Intermediate and Up. For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. Photo |
$19.95 |
(B Marcello)
SONATA OP 2 in F MAJOR by Benedetto Marcello for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo. The movements are: 1. Adagio 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Allegro. Includes urtext edition (12'x 9') Alto Recorder part, piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). The playing level is Intermediate to Advance. |
$19.95 |
(A Vivaldi)
CONCERTO in A minor RV108 by ANTONIO VIVALDI for ALTO RECORDER, Strings and Basso Continuo. Includes urtext edition (12'x9') Alto Recorder part and piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). The movements are: 1. Allegro 2. Largo 3. Allegro Playing level is Upper-Intermediate to Advanced. For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. |
$19.95 |
(JS Bach)
SONATA in F MAJOR, BWV1035 by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo. The movements are: 1. Adagio ma non tanto 2.Allegro 3. Allegro assai Playing level is Upper-Intermediate to Advanced. Includes urtext edition (12'x9') Alto Recorder part and piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. Photo |
$28.00 |
ALBUM I - 7 EASY PIECES for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo by various Renaissance and Baroque composers. The dance pieces are: 1. Allemande by T. Susato 2. Bourree by J. Hotteterre 3. Bransle de Champaigne by P. Attaignant 4. Passepied by J. Hotteterre 5. Pudtta Nera, Ballo Furiano by A. Phalese, 6. Schiarazula 7. Sellengers Round Includes urtext edition (12'x9') Alto Recorder part and piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). Playing level is Easy to Intermediate. For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. |
$28.00 |
ALBUM II - SIX EASY PIECES for ALTO RECORDER & BASSO CONTINUO The musical selections are English from the late 1700s they are: 1. Black Nag by Henry Purcell 2. Canarie by Henry Purcell 3. Division Upon an Italian Ground by Robert Carr 4. Ecossaise by Henry Purcell 5. Prins Rbberts Masco 6. Tourdion The playing level is Easy to Intermediate. It includes urtext edition (12'x 9') Alto Recorder part, a piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speed and one original concert tempo without soloist). For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. |
$28.00 |
CHRISTMAS IN A BAROQUE STYLE with CD arranged by Winter & Zimmerman for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo - includes parts for recorder, cello and keyboard. On the CD each carol is tracked three times: 1. Complete, 2. slower rehearsal tempo, 3. Basso Continuo only (no recorder player). Lyrics are in German. Eleven old European Carols- Schneeflocken, Weissrockchen, Kommet, ihr Hirten, Eis istein Ros' entsprunge, O du frohliche, Morgen Kommet der Wehnachtsmann, Leise rieselt der Schnee, Ihr Kinderlein Kommet, Von Himmel hoch...Kling Glockchen, Alle Jahre wieder, Stille Nacht For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. Photo Audio ![]() ![]() ![]() |
$12.95 |
(JS Bach)
ALBUM IV SELECTED MOVEMENTS by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH for ALTO RECORDER AND Basso Continuo. The selections are: 1. Ariette from 'La Beaumont', 2. Gavotta from 'Sonata in g minor', 3. Gracieusement from 'La Simianne', 3. Menuet I 4. Menuet II, 5. Passacaglia. Includes urtext edition (12'x9') Alto Recorder part and piano reduction and CD. This CD has 4 versions of the piece,(concert version, two slower speeds and one original concert tempo without soloist). Playing Level is Intermediate For a description of this series see DOW1000 listed above. |
$19.95 |
(Turner, B. C. / edit)
RECORDERS FOR CHRISTMAS - 20 traditional Christmas carols in very easy arrangements with an optional 2nd part for one or two soprano recorders arr. by Barrie Carson Turner. The CD is recorded twice once complete then with out the recorders. The accompanying instruments are violin, guitar, piano & double bass. The carols are Away in a Manger, Hark! The Herald Angels, Sing, It Came Upon a Midnight Clear, Once in Royal David's City, Silent Night, O Little Town of Bethlehem, O Christmas Tree, O Come All Ye Faithful, See Amid the Winter's Snow, While shepherds Watched.., The Holly and the Ivy, Angels from the Realm of Glory, We Three Kings, Good Christian Men,Rejoice, We Wish You A Merry Christmas., Good King Wenceslas, God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen, Past Three O'Clock, Patapan. For S or SS, Lower Intermediate, Music Book and CD Photo |
$22.99 |
LATIN THEMES FOR ALTO RECORDER arranged by Max Charles Davies 12 vibrant themes with Latin flavor and spirit. Play along with these rhythmic melodies with CD backing tracks supplied by an authentic, live Latin band. The piano accompaniments are available ad PDF files on the CD, read for print-out. The pieces are: 1. Ay,Ay,Ay 2. Cielito Lindo 3. Guantanamera 4. Habanera 5. La Bamba 6. La Cucaracha 7. Libertango 8. Peanut Vendor 9. Song of the Jet (A Jobim), 10. Todo Buenos Aires (Piazzola)11. Volare 12. Wave (Antonio Jobim) Photo |
$22.99 |
BAROQUE RECORDER ANTHOLOGY VOL I for Soprano or Tenor Recorder, Piano with guitar chords, Accompanying CD recorded twice, with recorder and without. Edited by Gundrun Heyens & Peter Bowman This anthology includes repertoire that is stylistically varied, idiomatically written for the recorder, as well as, musically and technically rewarding. The repertoire included here ranges from the early 17th to the late 18th century - a period of nearly 200 years- providing an introduction into the musical forms of the early, high and late baroque periods. There are 30 selections and some of the composers included are JS Bach, Hotteterre, Henry Purcell, GP Telemann, Van Eyck. Pieces are graded and presented in progressive order, includes composer bios and notes on the style. The level is advanced beginner or lower intermediate. Included are a recorder part, full, piano score, Guitar chords included in both parts. Demonstration and accompanying CD Photo |
$22.99 |
BAROQUE RECORDER ANTHOLOGY VOL 2 for SOPRANO or TENOR RECORDER and Piano (with Guitar ad lib.) with a CD of Performance and play-a-long. Edited by Gudrun Heyens & Peter Bowman. Includes repertoire that is stylistically varied, idiomatically written for the recorder, as well as, musically and technically rewarding. Thirty-two original pieces and arrangements of easy to intermediate works by Bach, Handel, Lully, Purcell, Telemann and more. Included are a recorder part (26 pages), piano score (84 pages)and guitar chords in both parts. The CD contains 32 tracks of full versions of the pieces, there are also 31 MP3 files of play-along tracks stored in a separate folder on the CD. Photo |
$22.99 |
BAROQUE RECORDER ANTHOLOGY VOL. 3 21 Works for ALTO RECORDER and Piano with CD edited by Gundrun Heyens & Peter Bowman. Graded pieces presented in a progressive order, a wide range of musical styles from the 17th & 18th centuries with composer biographies and practice notes for each piece. Includes pieces by Chedeville, Dornel, Finger, Hotteterre, Marcello, Schickhardt and more. Includes Alto recorder part and piano score with a total of 144 pages. The CD contains 23 tracks of full versions of the pieces, there are also 23 MP3 files of play-along tracks stored in a separate folder on the CD. Photo |
$22.99 |
BAROQUE RECORDER ANTHOLOGY VOL 4 For ALTO RECORDER & KEYBOARD with CD 23 works selected and edited by Gudrun Heyens. Two or three movements are selected from Sonatas by various Baroque composers: JS Bach, Barsanti, Danican-Philidor, Graun, Handel, d'Hervelois, Parcham, Telemann, Valentine, Wassenaier. The graded pieces are presented in a progressive order with a wide range of styles from the 17th & 18th centuries. Included are teaching notes and composer biographies. For Alto Recorder & Keyboard with a CD of performances and MP3 play-along tracks. Includes Alto and Keyboard part, a total of 120 pages with CD Level is Intermediate to Advanced Photo |
$22.99 |
(traditional Irish)
IRISH FOLK TUNES arranged by Patrick Steinbach. Jigs, reels, polkas, hornpipes, Carolan Tunes and slow airs. 52 pages. Includes guitar chord shymbols, explanatory notes on each tune with supplementary notes on harmony and ornamentations. Demonstration of all tunes played on accompanying CD. Intermediate, Soprano or tenor Photo |
$21.99 |
(traditional English)
ENGLISH FOLK TUNES FOR SOPRANO or TENOR RECORDER-62 Traditional Tunes for Solo Recorder compiled by Peter Bowman, tunes on CD played by Kathryn Bennetts The various types of dance presented in this collection represent a broad range of rustic dances that were common prior to the industrial revolution. Of the dances from Playford's 'Dancing Master' included are 'longwayes' dances for couples dancing in lines as well as square or round dances. Dance types are Hornpipe, Jig, Maggot, Morris Dance also included are Songs (love, laments, lullabies, drinking songs, ballads). Some of the well-known tunes are Rufty Tufty, The Blue-eyed Stranger, Greensleeves, Daphne, Scarborough Fair, All in A Garden Green, Early One Morning, The Oak and the Ash, The Sailors Hornpipe, Rosalinda, Gathering Peascods. Introduction includes the definition of dance types. 44-page book and CD with recording of all 62 tunes. For SOPRANO or TENOR RECORDERS Photo |
$22.99 |
RENAISSANCE RECORDER ANTHOLOGY VOLUME I for SOPRANO RECORDER & Piano with CD edited by Peter Bowman and Kathryn Bennetts. 32 pieces including works by Byrd, Susato, Phalese, Dowland and more. This book includes composer biographies and teaching notes on each piece. The CD is a recording of all works performed by Kathryn Bennetts (there are MP3 files stored in a separate folder on the CD containing play-along tracks) There is a separate Soprano or Tenor Recorder part and a keyboard part, a total of 48 pages. Suitable for Lower Intermediate to Intermediate players Photo |
$22.99 |
RENAISSANCE RECORDER ANTHOLOGY 2 - 32 Works selected and edited by Kathryn Bennetts & Peter Bowman. Selections are by William Byrd, John Dowland, Giles Farnaby, Anthony Holborne, Robert Johnson, Thomas Morley, Pierre Phalese, Michael Praetorius, Ludwig Senfl, Tielman Susato, Philippe Verdolet and others. Includes notes on the Renaissance Dances and other musical forms also notes on each musical selections. For Soprano Recorder with CD accompaniment (there are also 32 MP3 files stored in a separate folder on the CD.) or keyboard Intermediate, 65 page keyboard score, 20 page recorder part and CD. Photo |
$22.99 |
BAROQUE DANCES for 2 SOPRANO RECORDERS arranged by Hans Magolt & Rainer Butz This is part of the successful method series 'Fun and Games with the Recorder'. A new selection of traditional damce movements for 1 or 2 recorders. It contains the most important dance types and the most famous composers and dancing masters of the Renaissance and Baroque eras - from Praetorius, Handel and Lully to Purcell, Bach and Rameau. Even Baroque operas are a must here. The attached CD includes recordings of the arrangements in two version: with and without recorders. Play in level is Easy to Intermediate. It is a soft-cover playing book with 32 pages and CD Photo |
$20.99 |
RENAISSANCE RECORDER ANTHOLOGY VOLUME 3 fOR ALTO RECORDER and Keyboard with CD edited by Kathryn Bennetts and Peter Bowman. 31 well-known and lesser-known works including pieces by Byrd, Holborne, Attaingnant, Ortiz and others. Includes biographical notes on composers and the selections. The CD contains a performance by Katheryn Bennetts of all 31 selections (there are also 32 MP3 files for playing-a-long stored in a separate folder on the CD) For SOPRANO or TENOR RECORDER. Includes the recorder part and keyboard part for a total of 126 pages. PLaying level is Intermediate to Advanced. Photo |
$22.99 |
(Joachim Johow)
NEW KLEZMER TUNES: 16 PIECES FOR ALTO RECORDER & KEYBOARD (accompaniment also available as MP3 files) 'Der naje sher' (A New Song) is a well-known Klezmer song that connects the joy of music-making with everyday life. The same is true of this new collection of pieces written in the spirit of traditional Klezmer music, the music played at weddings and other celebrations by traveling Jewish musicians. Harmonic symbols are included for guitar, a bass part is available as a free download, as well as, complete performances & the accompaniment. Photo |
$23.99 |
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FOLK SONGS arranged by Hans & Marianne Magolt for SOPRANO RECORDER and accompanying CD It is part of the Fun & Games Method At last, a modern collection of folk pieces for soprano recorder! The accompaniment ond the CD gives aural assistance in learning the music and makes lessons more enjoyable. the Tunes are: 'Allas My Love (Greensleeves), 'Morning Has Broken', 'I've Been A wild Rover', 'Auld Lang Syne', 'Amazing Grace', 'Kalinka', 'Casatschok', 'Bella Bimba', 'Tiritomba', 'Il Etait Un Petit Navire', 'Plaisir d'ammour', 'Cielito Linde', 'La Cucaracha', 'La Paloma', 'Andean Melody', 'Oh Happy Day', 'Swing Low', 'Yankee Doodle', 'Tom Dooley'. For 1 or 2 ALTO RECORDERS. Playing level is Easy to Intermediate. It is a colorful soft covered music book with 24 pages. p Photo |
$20.99 |
CLASSICAL HITS for 1-2 SOPRANO RECORDERS arranged by Rainer Butz & Hans Magolt. Here you will find the finest pieces in arrangements for one or two soprano recorders with a CD play-along, recorded in two versions with and without recorders. Contents: 'Spring' from 'The Four Seasons by Vivaldi, Two selections from 'The Magic Flute by Mozart, a selection from 'St. Matthew Passion by JS Bach, 'Guten Abend, gut Nacht' by Brahms, Prelude for 'TE Deum' by Charpentier, 'Ode to Joy' from Beethoven's Symphony #9, 'La donna e mobile from Rigoletto by Verdi, The 'Moldau' by Smetanta, Toreador Song from Carmen by Bizet, Wedding Chorsu from Lohengrin by Wagner, 'Cancan' by Offenbach and more! The playing level is Easy to Intermediate, A playing book, 24 pages with CD Photo |
$20.99 |
(Muro, Don)
RECORDER ROCK/ Featuring today's 'rock' sound with upbeat rhythm & electronic percussion. For lower intermediate players, with four performance options: S, SS, SSA, SSAT 10 pack of recorder scores |
$9.95 |
(arranger, Andrew Watkin)
WORLD FAMOUS FOLKSONGS 22 Easy Folk Songs from around the world, arranged by Andrew Watkin. Includes a CD with piano accompaniment, each song has two tracks - 1. complete 2. accompaniment only. Some of the tunes are: Mexican Hat Dance (Mexico), Oh Susannah (USA), Skye Boat (Scotland), Banana Boat Song (Jamaica), Sakura (Japan), Santa Lucia (Italy), Donna, Donna (Israel), Un poquito cantas (South America) Katusja (Russia) 24 page book with CD, For Soprano or Tenor Recorder, Lower Intermediate Photo |
$22.00 |
(G Sammartini)
CONCERTO in F MAJOR by GIUSEPPE SAMMARTINI (1695-1750) for SOPRANO RECORDER Three movements: 1. Allegro 2. Siciliano 3. Allegro assai edited by Manfredo Zimmerman Includes an 8-page Soprano Recorder part and MP3 CD. Playing level is Upper Intermediate to Advanced. The Hal Leonard Classical Play-Along series will help you play great classical pieces. Listen to the full performance tracks to hear how the piece sounds with an orchestra, and then play along using the accompaniment tracks. The audio CD is playable on any MP3 CD player. For PC and Mac computer users, the CD is enhanced so you can adjust the recording to any tempo without changing the pitch. To learn more about the tempo adjustment software included on the CD View a video demo of the 'Amazing Slow Downer'. Photo |
$12.99 |
SONATA Op.1 #3 in G Major by Jean Baptiste Loeillet for ALTO RECORDER and Basso Continuo The movements are: 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Adagio 4. Gavotte Included are the Alto Recorder Part and MP3 CD. Playing level is Upper-Intermediate. The Hal Leonard Classical Play-Along series will help you play great classical pieces. Listen to the full performance tracks to hear how the piece sounds with an orchestra, and then play along using the accompaniment tracks. The audio CD is playable on any MP3 CD player. For PC and Mac computer users, the MP3 CD is enhanced so you can adjust the recording to any tempo without changing the pitch. To learn more about the tempo adjustment software included on the CD View a video demo of the 'Amazing Slow Downer'. Photo |
$12.99 |
(Michel de la Barre)
SUITE #9 in G Major from 'Deuxieme Livre' by Michel de la Barre for SOPRANO RECODER and Basso Continuo The movements are: 1. Sonate l'Inconnue 2. Vivement & Gravement 3. Chaconne Playing level in Intermediate and Up. Includes Soprano Recorder Part and MP3 CD. The Hal Leonard Classical Play-Along series will help you play great classical pieces. Listen to the full performance tracks to hear how the piece sounds with an orchestra, and then play along using the accompaniment tracks. The audio CD is playable on any MP3 CD player. For PC and Mac computer users, the CD is enhanced so you can adjust the recording to any tempo without changing the pitch. To learn more about the tempo adjustment software included on the CD View a video demo of the 'Amazing Slow Downer'. Photo |
$12.99 |
(David Pearl arr.)
CHRISTMAS Solo Plus- with printed piano & CD accompaniment arr by David Pearl. Borrowed from the flute repertoire, it has a nice selection of standard carols. All 15 selections can be played on soprano or tenor, 10 of them fit comfortably on Alto. Includes solo part, piano accompaniment in both print & digitally recorded format. The carols are Angels We Have Heard on High, The Babe of Bethle'm, Deck the Hall, The First Noel, Go Tell It on the Mountain, God Rest Ye merry, Gentlemen, I Wonder as I Wander, It Came Upon', Jungle Bells, O Come, All Ye Faithful, O Holy Night, O little Town of Bethlehem, Rocking, Silent Night, What Child is This? Sop. or Tenor w/CD Photo Audio ![]() ![]() ![]() |
$12.95 |
(Georg Philipp Telemann)
4 SONATAS by Georg Philipp Telemann. Sonatas in F Major, Bb Major, f minor and C Majormusic score and parts |
$24.80 |
CHRISTMAS INSTRUMENTAL SOLOS Carols and Traditional Classics/ for Alto Recorder (Flute). Very nicely orchestrated accompaniments. The playing level is Upper Intermediate to Advanced. Lots of high notes, 3 & 4 flats, and fast tempos. Songs are: 1. Gesu Bambino, 2. Carol Medley: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, O Come, All Ye Faithful, The First Noel 3. O Holy Night 4. Angels Medley: Angels from the Realms of Glory, Angels We Have Heard on High 5. Themes From The Nutcracker SuiteĀ - Overture, March, Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy, Russian dance (Trepak), Waltz of the Flowers 6. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming 7. Manger Medley: Away in a Manger (Cradle Song), Away in a Manger, Silent Night 8. Folk Carol Suite: Noel Nouvelet, Masters in this Hall, Coventry Carol, O du Frohliche/Echo Carol 9. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly 10. Celebration Medley: Hallelujah Chorus, Joy to the World. The book and CD contain a substantial amount of music! The CD includes a complete demonstration track followed by a play-along accompaniment track. This Flute/Recorder arrangement is compatible with the books for Trumpet, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Horn in F, and Trombone. They can be played together. An optional piano acc. book is available. 23 page Alto Recorder/Flute Part & CD Photo Audio ![]() ![]() ![]() |
$10.99 |
FOLK SONGS OF MANY NATIONS for RECORDERS Music Minus One. A method complied and edited by Erich Katz, Dean of the American Recorder movement and the man responsible for the enormous recorder renaissance in the USA that started in the late 20th century and continues today. Here is a super course for learning to play every type of recorder - the soprano, alto, tenor and even the less frequently used sopranino, and bass recorder. Each lesson is built around a series of duets and trios, beginning with the simplest of folk songs to more elaborate music of Bach. Your fellow player is LaNoue Davenport, recorder virtuoso and former performer with the acclaimed Noah Greenberg Pro Music group. Includes a high-quality 30-page music score and a CD containing the accompaniments for each piece. The accompanist is Erich Katz, alto recorder. Photo |
$14.99 |
3 BAROQUE SONATAS for ALTO RECORDER Music Minus One Three great Sonatas with a harpsichord and viola da gamba accompaniment. A wonderful collection featuring this unique and beautiful combination for Baroque-lovers everywhere! The CD is performed by the Rameau Trio: Jean Antrim, flute, Mary Springfels, viola da gamba and Jocelyn Chaparro, harpsichord. It includes a 16- page music score and CD containing a complete performance with soloist, in split-channel stereo (soloist on the right channel); then a second version in full stereo of the accompaniment, minus the soloist. Playing level Intermediate to Upper Intermediate. Photo |
$14.99 |
ENGLISH CONSORT MUSIC for Tenor Recorder some playable on Alto Recorder, 1 is Bass Recorder with MP3 download (use enter code on fist page of book). This beautiful album of English Consor pieces contains a rich collection of Fantasias, Dances and Suites from the 16th and 17th centuries. A delight! The accompanying group is the New York Consort of Viols: Fortunato Arico, bass viol; Lucy Bardo, treble viol; Judith Davidoff, treble viol; Grace Feldman, tenor viol; Alison Fowle, tenor viol; Ben Harms, percussion; Edward Smith, harpsichord. It includes a printed music score (56 pages), Playing level is Intermediate to Advanced. Photo |
$14.99 |
DANCES OF THREE CENTURIES for RECORDERS Suitable for Soprano, Alto Tenor or Bass Recorders. A marvelous collection of dances ranging from the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries. The accompaniment is performed by: LaNoue Davenport on recorders, krummhorns, tenor viol; Judith Davidoff on treble and bass vielle, Susan Evans on percussion. It contains a 16-page music score and CD (with accompaniments only) in stereo. Playing level is Intermediate Photo |
$14.99 |
(Georg F. Handel)
4 HANDEL SONATAS by Georg F. Handel CD. Sonatas in g minor, a minor, C Major, F Major |
$32.18 |
(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
CD. by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The most accessible - intermediate to upper intermediate |
$24.00 |
(Francesco Maria Veracini)
SONATAS OP 1, #1-3 by Francesco Maria Veracini CD. Published in Florence, Italy in 1751 as a set of 12 Sonatas |
$25.60 |
(Francesco Mancini)
SONATA #1 (ca. 1720) by Francesco Mancini CD. A composer from Naples, Italy whose work was very popular in England |
$25.00 |
(Georg Philipp Telemann)
4 SONATAS by Georg Philipp Telemann CD. Sonatas in F Major, Bb Major, f minor and C Major |
$14.95 |
CLASSICAL and FOLK for ALTO RECORDER arranged by Sieglinde Heilig and Uwe Heger A selection of fifteen well-known classical and folk songs. 1. 'Can Can' - Offenbach, 2. Land of Hope & Glory - Elgar 3. Menuett - Boccherini 4. Adagio - Albinoni 5. Turkish March - Mozart 6. Waltz - Brahms 7. Solveig's Song - Grieg 8. Greensleeves 9. The Last Rose of Summer 10. Henry Martin 11. Puff, The Magic Dragon 12. Scarborough Fair 13. Amazing Grace 14. The House of the Rising Sun 15. Loch Lomond The CD has 31 tracks first a tuning tome then the pieces are recorded twice, once with full performance and then accompaniment only. Includes 15-page recorder part and CD Photo |
$26.95 |
LET'S RAG...for SOPRANO or TENOR RECORDER with CD - A collection of Scott Joplin's most popular ragtimes plus 3 ragtimes by Uwe Heger. The Scott Joplin rags are: 1. The Easy Winners 2. Peacherine Rag 3. The Entertainer 4.The Sycamore 5. Sunflower Slow Drag 6. The Strenuous Life 7. Ragtime Dance Uwe Heger are: 8. Maria's Rag 9. Dickie's Rag 10. Little Annie's Swing Rag The CD has a tuning note and 10 tracks of full performance and 10 accompanying tracks. Includes Soprano Recorder part (10 pages) bonus alto part and CD Photo |
$26.95 |
(Uwe Heger)
ANNIE'S BLUES COLLECTION/ A play-Along-CD - 50 Blues for Soprano recorder or any C instrument. The backup band was recorded with live musicians on sax, string bass & drums. Each selection is recorded twice with and without the recorder part. Your own improvisation is encouraged. The last page is blank, just waiting for you to compose your own tune. Soprano, Intermediate, Recorder part and CD Photo |
$32.75 |
OSSCD 110/111
(McCullough, L.E.)
Saint Patrick Was a Cajun A double CD set containing all the tunes in the book listed above. L.E. McCullough, tin whistle, Nancy Conescu, electric guitar, & T.H. Gillespie, Keyboard synthesizer. two CD set |
$24.95 |
(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
TWO VIENNESE SONATINAS. by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The most accessible - intermediate to upper intermediatemusic score and parts |
$10.95 |
(Francesco Mancini)
SONATA #1 (ca. 1720) by Francesco Mancini. A composer from Naples, Italy whose work was very popular in Englandmusic score and parts |
$11.95 |
(Muro, Don)
EASY EIGHT/ Eight very easy add-a-note pieces for the beginning student. Starting with the note B, each selection adds one new note, ending with eight notes from D to D'. Synthesizer accompaniments present appealing rhythms and a diversity of musical styles. 1 accompaniment - performance Cassette |
$7.50 |
(Muro, Don)
EASY EIGHT/ Eight very easy add-a-note pieces for the beginning student. Starting with the note B, each selection adds one new note, ending with eight notes from D to D'. Synthesizer accompaniments present appealing rhythms and a diversity of musical styles. 1 accompaniment - performance CD |
$14.95 |
(Muro, Don)
EASY EIGHT/ Eight very easy add-a-note pieces for the beginning student. Starting with the note B, each selection adds one new note, ending with eight notes from D to D'. Synthesizer accompaniments present appealing rhythms and a diversity of musical styles. 10 pack of recorder scores |
$19.95 |
(Muro, Don)
EASY EIGHT/ Eight very easy add-a-note pieces for the beginning student. Starting with the note B, each selection adds one new note, ending with eight notes from D to D'. Synthesizer accompaniments present appealing rhythms and a diversity of musical styles. 1 - 8 page recorder score & cassette |
$9.95 |
(Muro, Don)
EASY EIGHT/ Eight very easy add-a-note pieces for the beginning student. Starting with the note B, each selection adds one new note, ending with eight notes from D to D'. Synthesizer accompaniments present appealing rhythms and a diversity of musical styles. 1 - 8 pg score & CD accom.-performance |
$16.95 |
(Muro, Don)
EASY EIGHT/ Eight very easy add-a-note pieces for the beginning student. Starting with the note B, each selection adds one new note, ending with eight notes from D to D'. Synthesizer accompaniments present appealing rhythms and a diversity of musical styles. 1 - 8 page recorder score |
$2.50 |
(Arnold, Alan)
CALYPSO! / A medley of three spirited and popular songs from the West Indies. The songs & accompaniment have the flavor of the islands. For 2 sopranos with fully orchestrated CD accompaniment, Easy beginning level Complete-1 recorder score and 1 CD |
$14.95 |
(Arnold, Alan)
CALYPSO! / A medley of three spirited and popular songs from the West Indies. The songs & accompaniment have the flavor of the islands. For 2 sopranos with fully orchestrated CD accompaniment, Easy beginning level accompaniment - performance CD only |
$12.95 |
(Arnold, Alan)
CALYPSO! / A medley of three spirited and popular songs from the West Indies. The songs & accompaniment have the flavor of the islands. For 2 sopranos with fully orchestrated CD accompaniment, Easy beginning level 10-pack of recorder scores |
$19.95 |
(Arnold, Alan)
CALYPSO! / A medley of three spirited and popular songs from the West Indies. The songs & accompaniment have the flavor of the islands. For 2 sopranos with fully orchestrated CD accompaniment, Easy beginning level 1 recorder score |
$2.95 |
(Arnold, Alan)
PLYMOUTH ROCK!/ Can you imagine two pilgrims a-rockin' and a-rollin' to the accompaniment style of a huge stage band? Well, here it is! This groovy duet (based on the numbers 1,6,2,1, the year of the first Thanksgiving) is actually quite simple to play, using only one octave of easy notes, starting on low D. The total experience is so awesome, you'll feel like you and your duet partner are the next Rock Stars! For 2 Sops. Complete -1 recorder score and 1 CD |
$14.95 |
(Arnold, Alan)
PLYMOUTH ROCK!/ Can you imagine two pilgrims a-rockin' and a-rollin' to the accompaniment style of a huge stage band? Well, here it is! This groovy duet (based on the numbers 1,6,2,1, the year of the first Thanksgiving) is actually quite simple to play, using only one octave of easy notes, starting on low D. The total experience is so awesome, you'll feel like you and your duet partner are the next Rock Stars! For 2 Sops. accompaniment - performance CD only |
$12.95 |
(Arnold, Alan)
PLYMOUTH ROCK!/ Can you imagine two pilgrims a-rockin' and a-rollin' to the accompaniment style of a huge stage band? Well, here it is! This groovy duet (based on the numbers 1,6,2,1, the year of the first Thanksgiving) is actually quite simple to play, using only one octave of easy notes, starting on low D. The total experience is so awesome, you'll feel like you and your duet partner are the next Rock Stars! For 2 Sops. 10-pack of recorder scores |
$19.95 |
(Arnold, Alan)
PLYMOUTH ROCK!/ Can you imagine two pilgrims a-rockin' and a-rollin' to the accompaniment style of a huge stage band? Well, here it is! This groovy duet (based on the numbers 1,6,2,1, the year of the first Thanksgiving) is actually quite simple to play, using only one octave of easy notes, starting on low D. The total experience is so awesome, you'll feel like you and your duet partner are the next Rock Stars! For 2 Sops. 1 recorder score |
$2.95 |
(Bonner, Bradley)
MASTERWORK THEMES for 3 Sopranos/ The music of Haydn, Beethoven, Rossini and Tchaikowsky. For Intermediate to advanced elementary players. For SSS accompaniment-performance CD only |
$12.95 |
(Bonner, Bradley)
MASTERWORK THEMES for 3 Sopranos/ The music of Haydn, Beethoven, Rossini and Tchaikowsky. For Intermediate to advanced elementary players. For SSS 10 pack of recorder parts |
$19.95 |
(Bonner, Bradley)
MASTERWORK THEMES for 3 Sopranos/ The music of Haydn, Beethoven, Rossini and Tchaikowsky. For Intermediate to advanced elementary players. For SSS Set of 1 each recorder part |
$2.50 |
(Bonner, Bradley)
A RAM SAM JAM/ Based on 4 folk songs it is for 2 sopranos, percussion & CD Score, recorder & percussion parts & CD |
$17.95 |
(Bonner, Bradley)
A RAM SAM JAM/ Based on 4 folk songs it is for 2 sopranos, percussion & CD accompaniment - performance CD only |
$12.95 |
(Bonner, Bradley)
A RAM SAM JAM/ Based on 4 folk songs it is for 2 sopranos, percussion & CD 10 pack of recorder & percussion parts |
$19.95 |
(Bonner, Bradley)
A RAM SAM JAM/ Based on 4 folk songs it is for 2 sopranos, percussion & CD Set of 1 each recorder & percussion parts |
$2.50 |
(Harris, Ken)
SWINGIN' RECORDERS/ Latin, swing, rock, waltz for 2 sopranos & CD Score, recorder parts and CD |
$17.95 |
(Harris, Ken)
SWINGIN' RECORDERS/ Latin, swing, rock, waltz for 2 sopranos & CD Accompaniment - performance CD only |
$12.95 |
(Harris, Ken)
SWINGIN' RECORDERS/ Latin, swing, rock, waltz for 2 sopranos & CD 10 pack of recorder parts |
$19.95 |
(Harris, Ken)
SWINGIN' RECORDERS/ Latin, swing, rock, waltz for 2 sopranos & CD 1 set of each recorder part |
$2.50 |
(Harris, Ken)
COUNTRY SWING/ 4 arrangements with a country sound and swing style sure to be a hit! For 2 sopranos, easy lower intermediate, Teachers score, set of recorder parts, CD |
$17.95 |
(Harris, Ken)
COUNTRY SWING/ 4 arrangements with a country sound and swing style sure to be a hit! For 2 sopranos, easy lower intermediate, 10 pack of recorder parts |
$19.95 |
(Harris, Ken)
COUNTRY SWING/ 4 arrangements with a country sound and swing style sure to be a hit! For 2 sopranos, easy lower intermediate, 1 set of each recorder part |
$2.50 |
(James Rae)
RECORDER DEBUT by James Rae 12 EASY Pieces in popular styles for beginners -Individual or Group learning. Solos or unison with others, some have an optional 2nd part. Fun cartoons for inspiration. A CD provides stimulating demonstration performaces for listening, as well as 'minus-one' accompaniments. Cartoon & piano accompaniments can be downloaded for FREE. EASY for Soprano with CD Includes recorder parts (21 pages) and CD |
$19.95 |
(Richard Graf, arr.)
PLAY-ALONG RECORDER CHRISTMAS arranged by Richard Graf Ten EASY arrangements of carols from around the world. 1. We Wish You a Merry Christmas, 2. O Sanctissima, 3. Zumba,zum. 4. Il est ne, le divin enfant, 5. O Tannenbaum, 6. Jingle Bells, 7. Vamos pastorcillo, 8. Stille Nacht, 10. Aquinald Ricardo A solo recorder part is included for both SOPRANO and ALTO RECORDER along with a peparate guitar part. The carols are recorded twice with accompaniment and without. The accompanying instruments on the CD are flute, cello, violin, trumpet, guitar, piano bass and percussion. Lyrics included and where possible in several languages. Photo Audio ![]() ![]() ![]() |
$29.95 |
EASY JAZZ STUDIES for ALTO RECORDER Listen, Learn, Play by Tilmann Dehnhard Ten compositions providing the ideal entry point into Jazz. The pieces are based on chord progressions of well-known standards. Articulation markings and phrasing help you get into the Jazz style. The accompanying CD features multiple recordings at various tempos for each piece as well as versions without the soloist. Acoustic guitar is the accompanying instrument. Included in the preface is information on off-beat articulation, straight and swing eighths, ornamentation. For ALTO RECORDER, Includes 18 page recorder party and CD Intermediate to Advanced Photo |
$21.50 |
(arr. Tourish & List)
CELTIC PLAY-ALONG RECORDER arranged by Martin Tourish and recorder player Thomas List. Recorded in Dublin, Ireland. Instruments used on the accompanying CD with MP3 files are Accordion, Whistles, Piano, Guitar, Violin, Double Bass, Bohdran. Eight pieces representing the Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Cornish and Breton traditions. The collection spans three centuries of music-making from the blind baric harpists of the 18th century to the international touring performers of today. Each piece is recorded at 2 tempos first at a slow tempo then a faster one, both times with full ensemble, then accompaniment only for play-along. A part is included for Alto Recorder Players, and a part for Soprano/Tenor players. There is also a full score keyboard accompaniment. The playing level is Intermediate. Photo |
$21.50 |